Let's make impact together!

Impacting Lives

Impacting Lives

Driving Change

Driving Change

Backing Shapers

Backing Shapers

Fueling Dreams

Fueling Dreams

Inspiring people to take action

The Do’More Initiative is a group dedicated to inspiring everyday people to take responsibility for building the communities, and country they dream of. We do it by initiating and supporting community projects powered by volunteers, crowdfunding and partnerships.

Since 2018, we have...

Projects Done So Far
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Kids Impacted So Far
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Child Need Food
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How can you help?

Our society is in disrepair. We need more people to take action.

Growing up in poverty, children face tough challenges: hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and medical services, social discrimination and isolation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get involved in supporting your cause?

There are 3 broad ways you can support the Domore Initiative. You can become a volunteer, you can support our existing causes or you can share a cause you want implement in your community so we can help you drive change. And you can do all three if you want too, they are not mutually exclusive.

How do you ensure the funds are used effectively and responsibly?

We believe transparency and open communication with our communities and stakeholders is the best strategy to ensuring that funds received are effectively utilised for the causes for which they were donated. So we share our financial reports frequently and are always open to audit or criticisim

Can I specify how my donation is used?

Yes, we have had donors specify what communities they want their funds used in and what projects they want it used for like school fees support, family emergencies etc. You can always specify your requirements.

What kind of projects do you focus on?

We believe in taking action anywhere we have identified a need. So if you have any project ideas, no matter the area shoot us a message today!

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Partners That Help US DO MORE

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